Effective Edge Finishes for Textile Samples

There are a variety of ways to effectively present textile samples for use in showrooms, by designers, or as part of a sales kit.  Whether choosing sample books, swatch cards, single memos, or memo sets, all samples must be aesthetically pleasing and durable.  Because many potential buyers will be handling the samples, they need to hold up well under repeated use.  There are three main ways to finish fabric edges – straight cut, pinked, and serged.  The method chosen will depend on the type of material and client preference.  Any of these edges can be done for any size sample.

Straight cut edge

straight cut edges on sample

This edge finish works well for manmade fabrics since they do not tend to fray.  Their edges typically will not unravel.  Some clients may also prefer the look of this finish on linen and cotton fabric.

Pinked edge

fabric sample display with pinked edges

A pinked, or zig zag, edge is a commonly used edge treatment.  It works well for most fabrics and lessens the tendency to fray.  Pinked edges are cost effective and durable for showroom use.

Serged edge

This edging involves sewing an interlocked finished edge with clear thread all the way around the sample.  It is usually done on loose weave fabrics that may easily fray.  Serging these materials creates a more durable sample for the showroom.  However, it is the most expensive finish because of the extra work involved in the process.  Some companies do prefer the serged edges on their samples because they like that finished look.

When fabric samples can be sent home with customers to view in their own homes, it’s much easier to close the sale.  It gives them the opportunity to evaluate the texture and weight of the fabric, determine its compatibility with other colors in the room, and judge whether it will be appropriate for how they live.

How Harris Sample Book can help.

We are happy to accommodate special requests for our clients.  We can sew large wings, or panels, for showroom displays.  Some companies like the appearance of a turned hem, which we can do for them.  Others only require serged edges.  We can do either one.

Let Harris Sample Book help you bring your brand to life.  Our sampling tools help you make the best impression on your customers and effectively represent your brand.  We have been in the business of providing top quality samples for more than fifty years.  Our solid reputation is built on the quality of our work.  Contact us for more information and pricing.